Have you been to the Museum recently, or have otherwise interacted with us and our digital offerings, and would like to share your feedback? Whether you had a fantastic experience or one that you thought could have been better, we would love to hear from you in order to improve our customer service.
All feedback will be handled sensitively and completely confidentially, following any relevant data protection requirements.
Publicised contact details for complaints and other feedback
Written feedback and complaints may be sent by post to Feedback, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW, or by e-mail at feedback@oum.ox.ac.uk.
When you send us your feedback please let us know what your preferred means of communication is for a reply: email, letter or telephone.
How we resolve complaints
In most cases, a complaint will be directed to the most relevant section of the museum to address your problem. We will acknowledge your message within five business days.
We will then investigate what has happened and you will receive a detailed reply as soon as possible, but at the most within one month of us receiving the complaint.
If you feel that the problem has not been resolved at that point, you can request that the complaint be escalated and reviewed by the Head of Operations or another senior member of staff.
If at the end of that process you feel that the matter has still not been resolved, it may be referred to the Board of Visitors, the external advisory group of Oxford University Museum of Natural History.
Monitoring and learning from complaints
We aim to learn something from every situation and update our policy and practice regularly. To further ensure that the museum continuously learns and improves its procedures, the complaints received within a year are reviewed together, to see if any patterns or trends are apparent.