'UNEARTHED' 'UNEARTHED' 'UNEARTHED' Friday 28 March 2025 19:00 - 21:00 To celebrate 200 years of the Megalosaurus, the City of Oxford choir invite you to explore the Breaking Ground exhibition, with choral interludes on the same theme. Book your tickets
Out of the Deep Upcoming sessions Out of the Deep Saturdays 11:00–13:00 Out of the Deep All ages |FREE | Drop-in Join us for family-friendly specimen handling and explore the underwater world of marine reptiles.
Family-Friendly Sundays Upcoming sessions Family-Friendly Sundays Sundays 14:00–16:00 Family-Friendly Sundays All ages |FREE | Drop-in A relaxed afternoon of nature-themed crafts, activity backpacks, family-friendly trails and more! All activities provided by Museum volunteers.